Life of N (2015)

In a confusion of realities, machina eX poses questions about the power of memory and the value of forgetting.

Life of N. takes players to a mysterious archive outside space and time. There they meet an eccentric archivist who is meticulously collecting and sorting through various artifacts and documents from the life of N. Players are invited to explore this cabinet of curiosities and, with each discovery, learn more about N. and his life. Thanks to their interventions, however, the archive starts to go increasingly awry.

Every time players make a decision, the archive changes before their eyes. The way N.’s past is archived has serious implications for the future, which is also hidden in the archive and there for players to discover. Can they repair the damage that’s been done?

Premiere / Venues

Premiere in January 2015 at Schauspiel Leipzig

Credit: Mathias Prinz und Rolf Arnold

Performer: Bernd-Michael Baier /// Direction: Anton Krause /// Staging und Equipment: För Künkel /// Costumes: Agathe MacQueen /// Script and Sound Design: Mathias Prinz /// Technical Direction and Production Management: Robin Krause /// Interactive Design and Programming: Lasse Marburg and Robin Krause /// Production: Max Grafe und Antje Woldt /// Dramaturgy: Ambrus Ivanyos

Production: machina eX. In cooperation with Schauspiel Leipzig